There was a strong educational element at the heart of Ealing’s ShabbatUK, with the communal dinner immediately followed by a panel discussion that featured the Rabbi’s wife, Zelda Vogel, a judge and a consultant urologist. Each brought his/her own perspective to the current affairs discussed, which in turn stimulated debate amongst the audience. Guest Chazan Ronen Shulman brought some extra ruach to the Kabbalat Shabbat service, while his wife gave a well-received talk on the significance of Erev Shabbat.
Evaluation from Organiser:
“A Friday night dinner was the first of its kind for Ealing Synagogue and the response was very enthusiastic. The cost of the dinner was affordable for many people and we were able to enhance it due to the grant that has been requested from CCE. This also enabled more people to come and enjoy a communal Friday night dinner, which we hope to repeat.”
Participant Feedback:
“An excellent idea. It was so very enjoyable with the visiting Chazan and panel discussion”.
“Excellent. Well thought out and executed. Very successful. Tremendous achievement for a small community”.
“An excellent community-run event, that also attracted people who are not Ealing shul members”.
“I thought it was excellent. Accommodated individuals of all walks of life and equally welcoming to religious and secular alike.”