Pinner United Synagogue succeeded in its aim of engaging more young families over ShabbatUK by creating a programme that was equally inclusive for children and older couples. The Kabbalat Shabbat service and ensuing Sushi Kiddush was attended by over 100 people – 6 times the turnout on an ordinary Shabbat – while Shacharit was given a musical lift by a choir that Rabbi Bergson had assembled specially. Filling the space between a communal lunch and a ‘Saturday Night Live’ style Melava Malka and Havdalah, was an afternoon of education with the ‘Edjewcation Programme’ and the chance to hear ladies who were graduating from the community’s ‘Women of Worth’ programme talk about their Jewish journeys. Rabbi Daniel Rowe, the Chief Executive of Aish also spoke over the weekend.
Evaluation from Rabbi Bergson:
“Our aim was to engage people of all ages from across the community in celebrating Shabbat and Judaism, and we did exactly that. The impact has been excellent. Generally speaking, ShabbatUK enthused people with a passion for community and renewed their interest in ritual aspects of Judaism. More specifically, as a result of ShabbatUK this year we have introduced a choir which will enhance services throughout the year and also brings in families who don’t normally attend”.
Participant Feedback:
“There is a true feeling of community spirit when we all come together for the purpose of keeping Shabbat as one”.
“I’ve gained a better spiritual understanding and got to know more people in the community”.
“The community atmosphere was wonderful”.
“Every aspect worked well. People said the atmosphere in shul was the best ever. And the Saturday Night Live programme was electric”.