Challah make, Friday Night Kiddush, Shabbat morning kids entertainment, Seudah
Evaluation from Elizabeth Nagler:
We had a good attendance at our Challah Make in spite of it taking place at the same time as a number of other Challah Makes in the local area. Our demonstrator helped to make it special. Our Shabbat morning kiddush was attended by members of every minyan in the Shul which is far from a weekly occurrence and was a lovely way to bring the community together. Our ‘Traditional British afternoon tea’ attracted our older members with sandwiches and scones and table service for hot drinks and an interesting speaker to listen to. The attendance numbers at this event exceeded expectations.
Participant Feedback:
“The tea was a full spread and delicious and I only expected tea and a biscuit.”
“The Shul provided a very good programme to celebrate Shabbat UK”
“Thank you for a most enjoyable programme!”